Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Secrets of a Dentist in Fresno on Keeping Your Retainer Pristine

Does it ever feel like cleaning a retainer is a waste of time? Just because you brush your teeth doesn’t mean your retainer is magically clean. You are actually just putting more bacteria in your mouth if you don’t clean it. Just like you have to keep up with your daily oral hygiene, you must perform maintenance on your retainer often in order to keep up a cleanly mouth. But it doesn’t have to be hard or take long; In fact, our team of Fresno dentists has a few simple tips to keep your retainer pristine as can be.
  • Don’t use toothpaste as a cleaner
You may think you are hitting two birds with one stone by only using toothpaste as your base cleaner for both your teeth and retainer but the truth is — your retainer does not do well with toothpaste. It may be great for your teeth but your retainer is made up of metal, which breaks down when used with toothpaste. So instead, use a tiny amount of mild household cleaner like liquid dish soap, hand soap, or baking soda, which will do a great job of destroying bacteria. Read more from this blog:

A Local Fresno Dentist Shares 7 Ways to Develop Good Oral Health Habits in Kids

There are many good habits you want to instill in your kids. One of the most important is establishing positive oral health practices. If you introduce a child to brushing and flossing in a way that makes it fun rather than a chore, they are much more likely to take good care of their mouth long term. They are also more likely to look forward to visiting their local Fresno dentist!

Here are some tips for putting a positive spin on oral health.

Start early

A baby doesn’t need teeth to be introduced to oral care. Gently wipe their gums with a washcloth or moist gauze to get them accustomed to the feeling of the brushing you’ll do when their teeth arrive. Be sure to smile as you do this! When their first tooth arrives, begin brushing it for your child. Read more from this blog: